By GalTime Dating Diva Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.
Have you been wondering if you should break up with your boyfriend? If so, now’s the perfect time to make a decision- because it’s Dump Your Significant Jerk week!
I have to hand it to the founders of this new-fangled tradition that happens the week before Valentine’s Day because there is only one thing worse than being single on the biggest holiday of love: Being in the wrong relationship.
The stark contrast between all those images of happy couples eating chocolates and your unfulfilled reality can be just the push you need to get honest with yourself, clearly assess your situation, and make a choice that leads to real love.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to be dating a total jerk to take advantage of this opportunity, you simply need to face the fact that you’re not completely satisfied.
Then accept this fundamental truth: As long as you are dating someone who is not right for you, you’ll never find the person who is a perfect match.
That’s the real gift of Dump Your Significant Jerk week- if you free yourself from something that isn’t really working, you can go find the love you long for!
So, let’s look at some signs that it’s time to let the past go so you can sail into your future filled with love.
1. You feel negative emotions, such as anxiety, hurt, loneliness, or frustration, more than you feel happy, content, and loving.
2. You find yourself drawn to spending more time alone or with family, friends, and hobbies, instead of with your partner.
3. You pick fights over insignificant things. It seems you’re always quarreling over something.
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4. You pull away from public and private displays of affection when before you couldn’t get enough.
5. You don’t have much to say anymore and feel bored when you are together.
6. You keep wanting more from your partner than he/she is willing or able to give, leading to chronic hurt or heartbreak.
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7. You feel like you just can’t be yourself with your partner and be fully accepted. You are tired of trying to please without getting your own needs met.
8. Your partner is more into the relationship than you are and you’re over trying to fake it- you just don’t have the depth of feeling you should.
9. The relationship feels like too much work- it’s not fun, relaxed, or peaceful.
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10. Saying “I love you” doesn’t feel right anymore, so you say it less, or not at all.
11. You suddenly find yourself attracted to other people and curious about pursuing alternatives.
12. You really can’t see yourself getting old and grey with your partner. When you imagine your future, your partner isn’t in it.
If several of these signs strike a chord, it’s probably time to have a heart-to-heart with your partner. This year the best Valentine’s Day present may be the gift of freedom so you can both go out and find real love. That way, when the holiday of love rolls around next year, you really will have something to celebrate!
What's the worst breakup story you've ever heard? Have you ever had trouble knowing when it's time to call it quits? Leave us a comment...
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displays of affection, valentine s day, happy couples, negative emotions, fundamental truth, perfect match, emotional cheating, stark contrast, perfect time, heartbreak, loneliness, family friends, chocolates, founders, diva, frustration, anxiety, hobbies, signs, tradition
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